
Laparoscopic Procedures for Reproductive Surgery

Off late there has been a substantial increase in the percentage of women suffering from some degree of infertility or perhaps having other gynecological problems. In some cases, couples may indeed find that they can conceive naturally after surgery in order to restore normal reproductive function. Some of the conditions requiring surgical intervention do include but are not, of course, limited to a fibroid uterus, endometriosis, tubal blocks, ovarian cysts, polycystic ovaries, pelvic adhesions as well as chronic abdomen pain. Traditionally, in case women suffering from such conditions are planning for a surgery, it would be rather an open surgery which does comes with side effects that include increasing pain, a minimum scar of 10 cm with stitch marks, increased blood loss that have been added to blood transfusion and its complications, increased chance of wound infection, longer duration to recover post surgery and also to resume daily activities, increased dependency on others...

7 deadliest male fertility killers

Everyday chemicals tend to lower one’s sperm count, scrambling DNA sperm data, or thus causing sperm mobility problems. One is aware that narrow bike seats, as well as antidepressants, can indeed cause problems. 1. Cash register receipts About 40 percent of the receipts are coated with bisphenol-A (BPA), which has rather been linked to fertility problems as well as low sperm count and quality. 2. Canned food The biggest source of BPA contamination is food packaging; almost all of the metal cans are coated with a BPA resin. 3. Sex toys Sex toys made of out vinyl contain phthalates, which are of course linked to cancer, allergies, birth defects as well as infertility. 4. Shower Phthalates are also rather found in scented soaps, shampoos, and cleaners — and in vinyl shower curtains. 5. Chemical-laced produce Pesticides are generally meant to kill the insect, but they can also affect one’s sperm. 6. Heated car seats Heated car seats, as well as heating pads, do increase testicular tem...

5 Ways to getting Body Baby-Ready

1. See your GP One needs to go in for a general health check before trying to conceive and therefore it is better to meet one’s local doctor to ascertain if one is suffering from any pre-standing disease and how it needs to be dealt with. Diseases such as high blood pressure, diabetes or asthma can cause much health problems for the baby to be born. Immunizations may be required and infections such as chickenpox, German measles, and hepatitis B, can indeed cause a miscarriage or birth defects to need to be prevented. A blood test will reveal whether one has had the vaccination for German measles (rubella). One will get proper advice from the doctor whether it is safe to go ahead with the pregnancy. If one happens to be concerned about sexually transmitted infection (STI), one needs to discuss with one’s doctor. One must get oneself screened for health issues such as hepatitis B, Chlamydia, syphilis and HIV which cane done by surgery by the local doctor. One can improve one’s chances o...

icsi treatment in Madhapur

One would like to remain active even when one is pregnant. Exercise has positive results for the mother and child. Some women experience greater fatigue in the first trimester, and therefore it is better to exercise to maintain energy levels and cause exhaustion in one’s body. 1. Decreased weight gain for the mother and babies tend to be leaner 2. Improved self-esteem 3. Decreased varicose veins 4. Decreased incidence of low back pain 5. Decreased risk of preterm delivery 6. Improved sleep 7. May help prevent or treat gestational diabetes 8. Shorter labor and fewer medical interventions required during labor and delivery 9. Higher Apgar Scores, which is a health assessment of the baby just after birth 10. Higher intelligence scores for babies born to pregnant mothers who exercised regularly Read more:   icsi treatment in Madhapur

best icsi clinic in madhapur

Off late there has been a substantial increase in the percentage of women suffering from some degree of infertility or perhaps having other gynecological problems. In some cases, couples may indeed find that they can conceive naturally after surgery in order to restore normal reproductive function. Some of the conditions requiring surgical intervention do include but are not, of course, limited to a fibroid uterus, endometriosis, tubal blocks, ovarian cysts, polycystic ovaries, pelvic adhesions as well as chronic abdomen pain. Traditionally, in case women suffering from such conditions are planning for a surgery, it would be rather an open surgery which does comes with side effects that include increasing pain, a minimum scar of 10 cm with stitch marks, increased blood loss that have been added to blood transfusion and its complications, increased chance of wound infection, longer duration to recover post surgery and also to resume daily activities, increased dependency on others...

best imsi clinic in madhapur

Spring may fancy one, but sperm produced in cooler months is healthier, like for example winter times one can expect upgrade sperms. This has been well established by several studies that have conducted on the production of sperm. Researchers at Israel’s Ben-Gurion University, Negev have indeed found that sperm concentration, as well as the percentage of fast motility i.e. the ability to move spontaneously as well as independently, does decrease rather significantly from spring into summer as well as fall, rebounding thus in the winter. Human sperm is seen in rather a microscopic image. The physical structure of the sperm cells is indeed healthy in the winter months. This study was also aimed in order to explore the possibility that the changing weather is somehow related to the quality of sperm. Is Warm Weather Bad for Sperm? It is also possible that temperature could indeed play a role in sperm health, just as changes in light have been found to cause sper...

infertility treatment in hyderabad

Infertility is a product of [FHRC] serves many infertile couples nationally and globally. FHRC is set up by highly experienced doctors and gynecologists and expertise with over 25 years of experience. The FHRC is the most reliable and suggested by many couples who have managed to become parents in our center. We strictly follow the guidelines of the Indian Council of Medical Research [ICMR]. We take all infertile couples needy consultations, initial approach, treatment planning in a short time under single visit. FHRC is a Star Healthcare Limited unit. Our Mission: Cost-effective, high-quality services to deliver a healthy baby. IUI Intrauterine insemination (IUI) is the placement of sperm in a woman's uterus during ovulation. IVF Eggs collected from a woman are mixed with their partner's spermatozoa and stored in a petri dish (glass) and grown in an incubator. Read more:   infertility treatment in hyderabad